Gadget Policy


The gadget policy provides the benefit of gadgets to employees as per their nature of work. The gadget entitlements stated here are not to be treated as default entitlement and is provided as ‘Tools of trade’ to facilitate job execution and improve work efficiency. The benefit shall be approved beforehand and informed by HR/Reporting Manager or HOD to accounts..

I. Mobile Handset Policy

  • This policy is designed to provide mobile handset to field employees (approval based) to empower them in attending official exigencies.
  • The employees are eligible to a mobile phone handset and services as per the role, responsibility and need, to be decided by the respective department HOD.
  • The field employees shall be provided with limits to purchase GPS enabled handsets for installing the GPS tracking software recommended by the company.
  • The non field employee shall be need based provided with non GPS mobile handset limits (Refer Table 1). In case of desk-jobs where there is provision of telephone as a means of communication, the handsets may not be provided.
  • Eligible employees shall purchase the handset of their choice within their eligibility as per the table provided below and claim the expenses by submission of soft copy of invoice in Asset Module of ESS for approval, followed by submission of hard copy of the bill to accounts.
  • The duration of mobile handset eligibility will be 2 years for field staff and 3 yrs for others.
  • International Roaming and ISD facilities shall be provided to only those who are required to frequently travel internationally and will therefore be a need-based approval from Management.
  • The bill should be in the name of the employee.

Table 1: Grade-wise Handset Eligibility (Rs.)

S. No.Grade of EmployeeNon-GPS Handset(Rs.)GPS Enabled Handset(Rs.)
4L1- L215,00015,000
8S1-S2, J12,0007,000
Note: The mobile handset eligibility is for 2 years for field employees and 3 years for others.
GPS Enabled Handset
  • The GPS enabled handsets will ensure proper monitoring of travel plans and providing timely assistance in case of emergencies on field. It will provide proper reporting, relevant inputs for business decision making.
  • The facility of GPS enabled mobile phones is being provided for company business purposes. It is expected that the GPS system is kept on throughout duty hours and mobile phone is kept free for expected business calls during work hours by limiting personal calls or all the times during important tasks.
  • The GPS tracking software should be installed and all necessary instructions should be followed for proper functioning of the software.
  • The user should not run other applications that will cause hindrance in smooth running of the GPS tracking software. Please note that any disturbances intentionally induced in the process of smooth implementation and running of this device shall be liable for strict disciplinary action.

II. Mobile Usage Policy

  • This policy provides the limits of mobile usage amount for official purposes.
  • This facility is provided to those who are required to connect with other stakeholders outside work unit or while on field.
  • Recharge reimbursement shall be considered a part of the non-incremental CTC and will be paid along with the monthly salary. As such, no expense claims through software will be required, and no bills or supporting documents will be necessary for the same.

Table 2: Plan-wise Mobile Usage Limits

CategoryDepartmentMonthly Allowance
All Eligible EmployeesAllRs. 400 / month

III. Laptop Policy

The company recognises the importance of facilitating connectivity in business while on tour. This policy is designed to provide laptops for business convenience to key functionaries of the organisation which shall facilitate them in serving better. The purpose of the policy is to provide guidelines to owning a laptop.

Salient Features

  • The allocation of laptop may depend on business requirement and a pre-approval is needed.
  • The eligible grades/designations may vary between departments. The eligible employees shall be communicated about their eligibility.
  • The laptop can be purchased and reimbursement claimed through finance department once every three years.
  • The laptop should be purchased in the name of the employee.
  • The laptop limits include the cost towards laptop, charger, antivirus and software.
  • Any unclaimed limits can be used within the 3 yrs period for repair & maintenance or reimbursement of any part.

Table 3: Reimbursement limits

* Applicability of laptop for grade J1-J4 is only for PD function

The grade eligibility for laptop varies as per functions and jobs. The above grade wise applicable limits do not provide default eligibility. The eligibility is purely need based for a given job and the team member should get a prior approval (before purchasing) from respective functional HOD, unless formally communicated separately.

Theft / Loss / Damage of Gadgets
  • It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that the gadgets provided under the policy  is in good shape by carrying out the regular maintenance and upkeep of the equipment.
  • Employee shall not claim any reimbursement towards Theft / Loss/ damage /repair.
  • However, in case of loss /damage of gadget, employee may purchase new gadget and apply the un-availed amount as per his eligibility or on pro-rata amount deduction.

Table 4: Recovery On Separation

Recovery for Gadgets of 3 years period on separationReimbursed amount to be recovered
Within one year 100% reimbursed cost of Gadget is recovered 
 1 < 2 yr60% reimbursed cost of Gadget is recovered           
> 2 < 3 yr30% reimbursed cost of Gadget is recovered            
After 3 year ownership of Gadget lies with employee
Recovery for Gadgets of 2 years period on separation Reimbursed amount to be recovered
Within one year100% reimbursed cost of Gadget is recovered 
 1-2 yr50% reimbursed cost of Gadget is recovered           
After 2 yearownership of Gadget lies with employee
Policy Details
Policy Number9.2TypeEligible Employees Only
Release Date26.03.2025Prepared ByHR & Finance
Applicable w.e.f.01 April, 2025Approved ByManagement